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1 post tagged

travel with family

What do you need to remember traveling with parents?

It’s great if your parents are fit, cheerful and sharing your interests like a go riding on ostriches or go to an immersive staging about coronavirus. But it happens that different generations have different interests.

Therefore, we know what you need to be prepared for if you decide to take mom and dad to the resort.

Insurance for seniors will be more expensive

For elders, as well as for children, the probability of an accident is statistically higher. Hence there is a natural increase in prices.
Thank progress, you can buy insurance online.

The relief matters

Even if your parents for the past 20 years was climbing, make allowances for their age. Try to avoid the stairs. No doubt, that parents are young at heart, but you all travel to chill, not to get tired.

Need to take medicine seriously

If your parent takes life-saving drug on a regular basis you need to follow some rules:
1) Recipes for them should be translated into national language of the country you go
2) Have a separate first-aid kit case for the parent to quickly find the right medicine
3) Take on board required amount of meds for parent needs if the flight will be delayed. And only in original packing!

Take care of comfortable arrival.

A long flight is difficult for the elderly: pressure drops, time zones change, etc. Book a transfer by i’way, then you don’t need to look for a taxi at a reasonable price all over the airport.

Order a transfer to anywhere in the world

You shouldn’t become a nanny

Although the roles change and with age children care about their parents more than vice versa, you need control yourself. Even in caring. Remember how you felt when you were overly patronized! Caring is not tantamount to custody.

... as well as your parents

If you travel with all three generations of your family, don’t “push” offsprings to grandparents. They have the right to relax, just like you.

“Let’s decide in progress” is a bad strategy

If your main goal is sightseeing, settle an issue amicably what places you want to visit together, and where you can take a walk alone. So you can avoid unnecessary resentment.

We also recommend taking a lot of photos: parents will look at them with joy and pride, recalling the time you spent together. 

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